How Staging Can Increase Your DC Home’s ROI

Posted on: February 28, 2022

Are you ready to buy one of the luxury properties in D.C. that better suits your lifestyle? If so, now’s the time to sell your current home before you make an offer on a new property. Due to the lack of inventory in the D.C. area, owners putting up their D.C. homes for sale will receive many interested buyers. To encourage high offers, though, you’ll need to execute a pre-listing checklist to make your home as appealing as possible.

One of the key components of that checklist is to have your home staged by a professional. Below, you’ll find more on the staging process, how staging can increase your return on investment (ROI), and how a well-staged home will sell more quickly.

What is involved in the staging process?

When you hire a professional stager, he or she will “dress up” your home to best appeal to your ideal buyer. This involves an on-site evaluation of your home as a whole, with your stager identifying issues that may turn off potential buyers from visualizing their lives in your home - thereby preventing them from making an offer.
Your stager will then work with you on the task that requires the bulk of your participation: decluttering. Together, you’ll clear your home of excess belongings - sorting them for storage, the landfill, or donation. Once that’s done, the stager can then move on to depersonalizing, which is removing highly unique items such as personal photos and replacing them with decor that is universally appealing.

After your home is decluttered and depersonalized, the stager will usually refresh your walls in warm, neutral colors. They’ll also replace any distinctive artwork or other decor with items that will boost your home’s appeal to viewers. On the furniture front, they’ll remove any bulky or excess furnishings to ensure each room has a good sense of space and walk flow.

Stagers of luxury homes in D.C. will also ensure each room has a designated purpose. For example, if you’re currently using a guest room as a home gym, your stager will either return it to its original role or stage it as a designated home office or other in-demand space.

Finally, your stager will evaluate your curb appeal and boost it by getting the lawn trimmed, repairing cracks or other issues in the sidewalk and driveway, and placing colorful potted flowers along the porch.

How does staging increase your ROI?

Professional staging of a D.C. luxury home will average around $500 to $600 per month per room, plus an additional $150 to $600 for the stager’s initial consultation.

Though these upfront costs may seem steep at first, they pale in comparison to the boost that professional staging can bring to the final price of your home. Agents report that professional staging can increase offers on homes by up to 20%. A few thousand dollars on staging will be a drop in the bucket when it comes to the boost on your ROI!

Not only do professionally staged homes sell for more, but they also sell faster—a lot faster. Experts estimate that a staged home sells approximately 88% faster than a non-staged one. If one of your goals is to sell off your D.C. property quickly, then staging is an invaluable service.

Tips on staging Washington, D.C. homes for sale

Warming to the idea of staging your home and maximizing your sale price? Though you’ll get the best results from working with a professional stager, you can still experience some of the benefits from staging your home yourself. Try the following tips:

  • Deep clean prior to staging. Buyers expect luxury homes in D.C. to be neat and clean, and those that really sparkle will be the most appealing to buyers. Before you start staging, hire a professional cleaning company that specializes in preparing homes for listing. They’ll have a checklist of areas that buyers tend to focus on — like closets and bathrooms — and will ensure that your home makes a great impression.

  • Do some exterior work. Curb appeal is essential when listing Washington, D.C. real estate for sale. In addition to the previously-mentioned exterior projects, you may also want to refresh your front and garage doors if they’re looking worn. Look into some cozy outdoor furniture for your porch, and consider putting out a cheery welcome mat or a festive door wreath.

  • Consider virtual staging. If you don’t want to hire a pro to come into your home and do the work, you could opt for virtual staging. This process involves photographing your home in its current state and using photoshop technology to digitally swap out furniture and decor. Virtual staging is ideal if your marketing plan focuses on online campaigns. However, keep in mind that virtual tours won’t really impact buyers doing in-person tours.

  • Know what buyers want. Work with your agent when staging your home to identify what buyers are looking for in D.C. luxury real estate. Having a clear idea of what’s in demand will inform you about what to do with your extra rooms - and if you need to consider bigger remodeling projects to best appeal to your ideal buyer.

Though today’s market currently favors homeowners with Washington, D.C. homes for sale, doing the necessary prep work — such as staging prior to listing — will ensure that sellers are able to get top dollar for their property. If you’re ready to start the pre-listing process, reach out to one of the trusted agents at Premier Partners Real Estate for expert guidance.

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